Backup Your Facebook Tagged Photos and Videos to the Cloud

Facebook users can now backup their photos and videos that they were tagged by their friends via the new feature from the service IDrive.

The way the new feature works is that as the on-line backup service traditionally has it users connecting their local PC drives it is now also possible to connect to facebook and enabling it users to back up photos and videos to its servers on the cloud as a service.

Furthermore, it is not just simply backing photos and videos it now also offers the capability to back up photos and videos where a user has been tagged by its friends. This tagging feature means that in many cases if a user friend that owns the photo or video decides in the future to untag or delete the photo or video, or even further if the friend no longer is a friend, the original photo or video is still included in a user IDrive backup.

The data from Facebook once backed up, it can be accessed from any web browser or via the iOS app.

There are other backup similar services such as OwnBackup and Backupify.

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