Twitter Innovates Platform with Popular Tweet Posts History Reach

The popular social media platform Twitter is now testing a new feature in relation to its embedded tweet service. This service includes a list of links, seen below posted tweets, that relate to references of the tweet post overall reach. 

This innovation arrives in a context where Twitter is constantly looking to become more interactive. However at the moment, this new feature is still at a limited test stage. The main innovative factor is that tweet posts  links related to popularity reach are linked directly to pages on websites and not necessarily to user tweeted posts.

More information is available on this blog post where it is stated that “hundreds of variations of new features and designs.”. As a result, providing twitter users the capability to have present lists of links which details the overall reach of a single popular tweet in a strategic vision in the medium of the internet outside of Twitter itself  will certainly appeal more to users. Subsequently the usage of the feature of embedded links particularly for marketing purposes is an innovation which will certainly bring more revenue and interest to Twitter.

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