Why Cloud Computing increases IT Importance for Businesses

Information Technology is currently thriving in innovation and the future is even brighter particularly with new services being delivered via cloud computing. 

As a result IT for most businesses will become even more important of which as consequence the profession will not see any decline to the contrary of any perceptions in the market.
services, software-as-a-service applications and the like. That’s not really a big surprise. Where the controversies, or at least the questions, arise are in the company’s IT department.

In this post we present interesting subject topic points on why the IT is thriving and will continue so.


It is not possible to move everything to the cloud. As result, IT departments at best will need to manage a hybrid environment where this includes devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops at a local corporate network level.


Data management will never disappear whether its present in the cloud or not.

Application Performance Monitoring

Applications either running in the public cloud or by SaaS providers will always require monitoring and optimization to ensure adequate resources are in place including possible migrations with service levels are operating at their best from a user point of view.


Any IT department, will always need to consider security whether utilizing the cloud infrastructure and its service delivery in relation to user access and authentications management.


Regulation and compliance must always be adhered and followed on any business cloud strategy. This includes monitoring on business applications where data access is regulated.

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