YouTube Live Now Open To More Partners At Least 1000 Subscribers

YouTube Live following an announcement earlier today, is now open to a wider user producers on its platform, where users with at least 1000 subscribers will benefit from this new expansion on YouTube Live.

YouTube Live was first announced around two years ago, but was somewhat restrictive to many YouTube content producer users, rather available to just some large international events.

This capability allows users to stream live video, as a result these users will no longer have to wait and wasting in some cases a considerable amount time uploading their videos. Furthermore, it is now possible for content producers to schedule live events and or launch unscheduled live video streams to be shared with both their subscribers and a wider internet audience.

If you are a user looking to have this capability, in case you qualify with the requirement of at least 1000 subscribers and the accounts is in good standing, then simply navigate to the YouTube Account page to the “Enable” button in order to sign up for YouTube Live. The benefits include also live processing transcoding in the cloud and the option for users to video stream from multiple camera angles.

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