Twitter Addresses Transparency Copyright with a Dedicated Support Site

The social media tycoon platform that is Twitter, has been reported to have currently around 200 million monthly active users, and in a latest development, twitter added new capabilities for its content delivery called embed video services from Vine.

As it continues to grow on importance as a content delivery platform it is now trying to clean up its content and as a result attempting to assert some kind of source reliability reputation, it then follows that today twitter has now launched a dedicated to this effect called and located on transparency.

Within this new site, it contains updated statistics as well as information requests regarding copyright infringements related to companies and governments with a detailed description of cases procedures including listing of relevant requests.

The new development was announced on a blog post by Twitter, in a context of the Data Privacy Day

Jeremy Kessel of Twitter stated “We’ve been thinking about ways in which we can more effectively share this information, with an aim to make it more meaningful and accessible to the community at large” writes. It also follows that Google has an updated regarding the Data Privacy Day which can be read here

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