Great Inspiring jQuery Plugins for Web Development

In this post, we have collected great jquery plugins that can produce amazing results for any web development project either with visual data display or design effects. We have also included a great  tutorial for 3D thumbnail hover effects.

"Booklet is a jQuery tool for displaying content on the web in a flipbook layout.
It was built using the jQuery library. Licensed under both MIT and GPL licenses."

"CraftMap (previous MobilyMap) is a lightweight (6KB only), fully configurable jQuery plugin that converts a simple image into a functional map by overlaying dynamic elements on it such as markers. Like Google Maps, you can place your own marker icons and add location information to specific markers with a draggable image interface."

Organize blocks with re-ordering with any kind of content. 

"Flow Slider is a JavaScript thumbnail slider. Flow Slider is customizable, skinnable, fashionable"

"A JQuery plugin to create AJAX based CRUD tables."

"Jquery based javascript plugin that converts a standard HTML table to an Google visualizations chart and displays it on the page."

"How to create 3D thumbnail hover effects with CSS 3D transforms and jQuery."

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