Interesting Websites To Source News And Help Creativity

 If you are in need of inspiration, new ideas or simple web curiosity then you are in the right place. In this post we have collected great sources for daily worldwide interesting news, furthermore some sites are an excellent source for design ideas and creativity.

"The Five-Stir is for those who lean on their right brain. We keep you in the loop, and challenge you to go outside it." 

"To be your trusted source for entertainment, education and wonder"

"Seeking inspiration - our stories and videos highlight creativity and innovation in design, technology, style, culture, food and travel."

"All the topics that interest us"

"Daily Mix of Creative Culture"

"Celebrates creativity in all of its modern manifestations"

"Beautiful photography, incredible art and clever design."

"If your house was burning, what would you take with you?"

"Insight on Ideas"

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