News Feed Optimization on Facebook

The news feed on Facebook is quite important to gain good ratings by facebook .  Furthermore, the feed can be customized following  its network and its patterns of activity, including how your friends they interact statistically with your news feed.  The news feed on facebook presents users with the top posts from a particular user’s network, it is processed by filtering around 99% of content published by a user.  Below are a few techniques to better optimize your news feed posts on facebook:

  • Post a variety of content to attract interactions from a higher percentage of your users, raising your affinity (facebook’s algorithm, please note post below) score.

  • Presenting positive, interesting and fun content on Facebook.

  • Talk about Facebook.

  • Respond to comments that your fans post on your contentto increase the number of interactions per post.

  • Respond to comments that your fans post on your wall to increase your affinity score.

  • Experiment with targeting posts to get a higher feedback score.

  • Post regularly, but not too intensively so that your posts can be measured in due time.

  • Post content outside of main work hours – Facebook users interact more enthusiastically during out of office hours.

  • Include eye catching images on blog posts.

  • Appealing meta description for any links you post, it helps the algorithm and seo.

  • Use share links on your blog articles and landing pages to encourage users to post your content directly.

  • Integrate landing pages within Facebook, most users like to stay within Facebook.

  • Post videos directly instead of links to articles with videos, so users can watch the video within Facebook.

  • Include links in video descriptions to increase traffic to your website.

  • Share photos, use Flickr integrated with your Facebook account.

  • Post photos directly to Facebook.

  • Use simple language.

  • Ask questions and specifically ask for feedback from your fans.

  • Use Facebook Insights to measure which content performs the best on your specific page.

  • Promote user-generated content, including user-created photos, comments, or links.

  • EdgeRank Facebook’s Algorithm Explained
    Facebook has shared their algorithm for ranking content on Facebook and filtering what appears in the news feed. The algorithm consists of three components:

    1. Affinity – the number of times 2 people (or a person and a page) have interacted

    2. Weight – the number of times users have interacted on your page.

    3. Recency – the time since the content was posted

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